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Top 3 Reasons To Use Hard Money

The smart way to make your real estate deals a success!


A hard money loan from Kenwood can close more quickly than traditional loans. Usually, the only documentation we want from you is the completion of our short two page loan application and a copy of the purchase contract. We’ve been doing this a long time and believe me, there is no need for a big thick loan file full of information that has nothing to do with loan safety. At Kenwood Mortgage we move fast because you move fast. If you’re looking for a great hard money lending partner we’d love to hear from you.

Quick Tip

Your relationship with Kenwood can enable the funding process to move more quickly, giving you the ability to close deals that others can’t. That’s helpful in hot markets like the one we are in when properties get multiple offers.


Kenwood’s loan terms are often more flexible than traditional loan agreements. Depending on your situation, you may be able to tweak things like the repayment schedules or other loan features. At Kenwood Mortgage we are also local and are willing to work with you directly—not a global institution with strict policies.


With a hard money loan from Kenwood, a foreclosure or other negative items in your credit report are less detrimental to the approval process. The approval process is based more on your deal and scenario rather than your personal credit history, personal debt, or personal income.

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